About Tarot

Tarot Exists to Serve and Guide You

person holding a tarot card

I believe in the transformative power of knowledge. The goal of a Tarot Reading is to give you tools, information, and resources to help you with self awareness, actualization and empowerment. I do this through my interpretation of the cards imagery. No magic is involved, but an open mind is required. I utilize insight, intuition and interpret the cards as they are selected. I will often spend time discussing the symbols within a card, so that you can also develop your own narrative, and expand your knowledge of tarot in general.

Ideally, Tarot readings are face-to-face and one-on-one, in a quiet setting. I will read cards via email, phone, or virtually, but the depth of your reading may be different.

No two readings are alike, and all are confidential. The focus is on you—known to the reader as The Seeker or The Querent. The reading might show the people involved in your life, but readings about other people’s issues should be done separately.

Much of Tarot’s fun and intrigue is the colorful card images packed with symbolism both ancient and modern. Symbols appeal to hearts and minds. I work with 3-4 different decks, and will ask you to choose the one that’s imagery speaks to you loudest.

The most important and valuable factor in the reading is my skill at card interpretation.

How to get the most out of my reading? What should I expect?

Ask what you need to ask, and be honest. I will never tell anyone what you said. It’s also okay to become emotional during a reading. After all, the cards are serving as a counselor in many ways.

Being prepared that when asking questions you will undoubtedly get answers, some of which may be difficult to process. Tradition requires readers to be truthful—you came for the truth, right?—so you might not like everything the cards reveal: it’s my job to guide you through what the cards indicate in a compassionate, thoughtful and thorough manner.

The four main categories Seekers ask about are love, health, family, and money. But general or “blind” readings are possible as well. If you have questions on a specific topic, I will work with you to formulate them in the best way possible, and suggest the best spread to do this. If we do a blind reading we will be trusting the cards to bring your issues to the surface. Both types of readings are legitimate and valid. I will not, and cannot, read your mind. I will read the cards.

The clearer your questions, the more clear your answers. Keeping an open mind while experiencing the narrative journey the cards take you on are keys to getting the most out of your reading. It can be really valuable to keep a notebook or journal handy while we do your reading to write down information or key points.

Not Recommended

If you are looking for a fortune teller I am not it. I can’t tell you if you will win the lottery, what your sister’s name is, or the career of your future soulmate. Do not ask the cards to predict “your fate”; Tarot and “fate”—the belief that our destinies are pre-ordained—are incompatible. Tarot exists to help you navigate and shape your own future. The goal is that I help give you the tools, and interpret the information, that empowers you to do so.

In Closing

The cards show where your current situation is leading and how to navigate it. A full Tarot reading gives guidance about managing any obstacles. My advice might be as simple as adjusting your attitude or releasing an unreasonable fear—if you’re willing. Think of me like a trail guide; pointing out the scenery, waterfalls and treacherous obstacles along the way!

Your future is always yours to decide. The reading should inform and empower you. A Tarot reading invites you to contemplate your life. You may feel as if you’ve just had a therapy session, or a heart to heart with your best friend (that’s me!). However, a tarot reading is not a substitute for trained professional advice, and can’t magically fix your problems. It CAN give you the tools to adapt your mindset.